Transfer Student Registration Step by Step
Step 1: Getting Organized
Set-up Skidmore User account, and gain access to your Skidmore email. Skidmore offices will begin to contact you using only your Skidmore email. Be on the lookout for emails right away from The Office of the Registrar and The Office of Academic Advising.
Step 2: Communication about Transfer Credits
Check your Skidmore email regularly and communicate with the Office of the Registrar about your transfer credits. You may need to submit syllabi or additional course information.
Step 3: Transfer Credit Evaluation
A Transfer Credit Evaluation will be emailed to you, including a list of All-College requirements that you have/have not fulfilled. Use the evaluation and list to identify a list of classes that you would be interested in registering for in your first semester at Skidmore. The current schedule of course offering is found on the Master Schedule.
Step 4: Advising
The Office of Academic Advising will email you to set-up a Zoom or phone meeting to discuss your course interests, and to answer questions you have about majors/minors and Skidmore All-College Requirements.
Step 5: Registration
After talking with OAA, you will be set to register for classes using the Schedule Planner. It’s important to have alternatives in case classes are closed or have reserved seats. If you join any waitlists, be sure to check your Skidmore email daily.
If you have any issues or questions about advising or registration, please reach out to Paula Puckett (Registrar’s Office, or Beth McPhee (OAA,